New Release: Tide of Stone by Kaaron Warren

IFWG is delighted to announce the world release of Kaaron Warren’s novel, Tide of Stone. “IFWG snapped up the rights to this amazing, disturbing novel,” said Gerry Huntman, Managing Director of IFWG, “and we admit that we love Warren – so much so that we have the largest catalogue of her long works in the world. While a reprint, we believe that there are plenty of new fans who would want to taste one of her most recent works…and no doubt beg for more.”

The wonderful cover art and design is by Elena Betti.

The Time-Ball Tower of Tempuston houses the worst criminals in history. 
Given the option of the death penalty or eternal life, they chose eternal life.
They have a long time to regret that choice

Tide of Stone is now available for direct purchase from all good print and ebook stores, online and bricks and mortar. Our books are distributed globally through IPG Distribution and its partners.

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