Virtual Book Launch: The Paradox War by Ian C Douglas

This event took place on Sunday 12 June 2022, at 6pm (GMT). It was MC’d by Isi Dixon. It was not just a book launch for The Paradox War – it was also a celebration of Douglas’ Zeke Hailey series coming to a close with this fifth volume.

New Release: The Paradox War by Ian C Douglas (final in the Zeke Hailey Series)

IFWG Australia is pleased to announce its release of Ian C Douglas’ final book in his Zeke Hailey middle grade science fiction series, The Paradox War. “Yet another of our series has reached its conclusion,” said Gerry Huntman, Managing Director of IFWG, “and yet again there’s mixed emotions involved. Another imaginative, riveting young teen novel…

Cover Reveal: The Paradox War by Ian C Douglas

IFWG is extremely pleased to reveal the cover of The Paradox War, by Ian C. Douglas, the fifth and last book in his middle grade science fiction The Zeke Hailey Series. It’s been a long journey and we love the final cover by the very talented Catherine Archer-Wills, not only for its quality, but also…

Preorder Offer: Zeke Hailey series and Electron’s Blade by Ian C Douglas

IFWG is pleased to offer preorders for Ian C Douglas‘ latest instalment of the middle grade Zeke Hailey series, Electron’s Blade. It is Book 4 of the 5 part series, and things are definitely hotting up. It’s war! Ruthless terrorists force the Governor of Mars into military action. Only one boy can stop the bloodshed. Psychic…

Cover Reveal: Electron’s Blade by Ian C Douglas

It is with great pleasure that we reveal Ian C Douglas’ upcoming middle grade science fiction novel, Electron’s Blade, 4th in the 5-part Zeke Hailey series. The wonderful artwork is by Catherine Archer-Wills, and design by Catherine and Elizabeth Lang. It’s war! Ruthless terrorists force the Governor of Mars into military action. Only one boy…

News: Two-Book Contract Signing for the Zeke Hailey Middle Grade Series

IFWG Publishing is pleased to announce the signing of a two-book agreement with Ian C Douglas, to complete the 5-part middle grade science fiction Zeke Hailey series. “This has been a successful partnership for the first three books and this final contract is the natural conclusion to see us through 2019 and 2020, ” said…

New Release: The Particle Beast by Ian C Douglas

It is with great pleasure that we can announce the release of Ian C Douglas‘ third book in his young teen science fiction Zeke Hailey series, The Particle Beast. The Kindle edition is out now, and the print edition will be released in all good online bookstores on 1 June 2017. In the meantime, you can…

Preview: The Particle Beast by Ian C. Douglas

In coming days IFWG Publishing Australia will be releasing the third instalment of the Zeke Hailey young teen science fiction series, The Particle Beast, by Nottingham-based author Ian C. Douglas. The cover beautifully reflects a critical scene in the novel, artwork rendered by Catherine Archer-Wills, and designed by Elizabeth Lang. Here are the three covers…

Two-eBook Bundle: Zeke Hailey series by Ian C Douglas

Kindle book buyers will now see Ian C Douglas‘ Zeke Hailey series bundle on their sites at a special price for the first two books. IFWG Publishing Australia will release the third, much-anticipated instalment in Q1 2017. For young teenagers, or those who are young at heart, you will not be disappointed in this science…

News: Release of Gravity’s Eye by Ian C. Douglas

It is with great pleasure that we announce the release of Gravity’s Eye by Ian C. Douglas, the second book in the Zeke Hailey young teen science fiction series. The first book, The Infinity Trap, had been received very well, particularly in the UK, and we look forward to similar reactions with this exciting sequel….

News: Gravity’s Eye Cover Reveal

In only a week or so, IFWG Publishing Australia will be releasing the UK Edition of Ian C. Douglas’ juvenile science fiction, Gravity’s Eye, volume 2 in the Zeke Hailey Series. To give you a taste of what’s coming, here is the final cover, a wonderful work by Elizabeth Lang of EL Design.

Giveaway: The Infinity Trap by Ian C Douglas

To parallel our ebook giveaway for the New Year in Australia, we have chosen for the UK offerings Ian C Douglas‘ all-ages science fiction adventure, The Infinity Trap. For the period 1 to 5 January (US time zones), you can download Ian’s great Martian adventure ebook for free! How far would you go to find your…

News: The Infinity Trap Official Launch

It is with great pleasure to share with you photographs from Ian C. Douglas’ official launch of his recently published young teen science fiction novel, The Infinity Trap The Infinity Trap’s official launch took place in the Alan Sillitoe Room at Nottingham’s Waterstones. Around 40 guests turned out and the book sold well. The event kicked…

News: Release of The Infinity Trap

IFWG Australia is pleased to announce the release of its first UK Title, The Infinity Trap, by Ian C. Douglas. While too late to purchase this as a Christmas present, we can assure you it is a great read for teenagers and adults alike, during the festive season. The Infinity Trap will be available soon…

Sneak Preview: The Infinity Trap by Ian C. Douglas

In only a matter of days we will be releasing our latest title: The Infinity Trap, by Ian C. Douglas. This is a young teen science fiction adventure story, set on Mars in the 23rd Century. We are sure adults will appreciate the story as well. This is our first non-Australian publication. Ian Douglas is…